The snow is coming down and it feels like Christmas is here.
The tree is lit, presents are wrapped, and it’s time for everything to slow down once more.
You can call me a grinch if you want to, but I’m usually not a fan of this time of year for a couple reasons.
#1. When the snow comes down golf season comes to an end and I lose the game I love most.
That’s why my favorite Christmas movie character is Heat Miser. He’s Mr. Green Christmas and I understand his side of things.
#2. From the moment stores open on Thanksgiving night, until Christmas Eve, it’s a race to see who can get the biggest, best present possible.
When did it become an obligation to go out and buy presents, as opposed to a choice? The expectation of gifts takes some of the meaning out of the love and generosity that come with this season and it detracts from the real reason we celebrate Christmas. The birth of Jesus Christ.
#3. The final and biggest reason that I don’t particularly like this time of year: Christmas music.
I worked this Christmas season at Barnes and Noble and they had the classic Christmas music playlist going from the day I arrived. The repetitiveness and the old, tired lyrics got to me more so this year than others. I just can’t stand Christmas music. It’s not even the horrible covers by the artists of today; the classics are worse. Deck the halls? Tripe. Jingle bells? Too jangly. Feliz Navidad? Please, just don’t.
There are two songs that manage to bring a smile to my face, the Carol of the Bells, and only because of this clever commercial produced by Garmin a few years ago.
And the Charlie Brown Christmas dance number. I can’t help but think of Snoopy, Schroeder, and the rest of the gang with their fabulous moves.
Now, as we settle in as a family to watch the Muppets Christmas Carol, I guess this time of year isn’t so bad after all.