I’m not interested in earning my fire safety badge and I don’t always come prepared.
Sometimes I take too much for granted and I have to scramble to get things done. While the end result may differ from my goal at the outset, I usually come out with something better than I had originally planned. Last night was an example of that.
I uploaded my pictures to Lightroom and had my blog post for the day all set to launch … until I ran into technical issues. I’m still not sure what happened. All I know is that I could not get my images to import until almost midnight and then only a couple came through. Technology has become so reliable, that it always comes as a shock to me when something doesn’t work. It never crossed my mind that I’d be unable to do what I had envisioned. So I was forced to improvise.
My initial plan included shots of the lenses and me with the camera and accessories. What I ended up doing was posting my actual work. I think it turned out for the best. Instead of some random backstory, I put up what I would want to see: the results of a day of experimentation.
Nevertheless, I should not have cut it so close.
I could’ve been more proactive about getting my post up early in the evening, instead of gorging myself on the novel my sister gave me for Christmas and the candy from my stocking. I should’ve sat down and busted out a quick post. Or maybe not. Just do it or do it well, no matter how long it takes?
Life is full of should have’s, could have’s, and would have’s, but it’s what you put out into the world that matters.