Californians love their cars, driving through beautiful Palo Alto I saw tons of Audis, BMWs, Mercedes, and Teslas, but a few cars stood out above the rest. The first one was a Ferrari 458 convertible ripping down the palm tree lined streets. Then there was a 1965 Ford Mustang convertible, which belonged to my mother’s aunt back in New England and has since found its…

Welcome to San Francisco
The day started out with a beautiful sunrise and only got better from there.

Sleep On Your Left Side
I’ve had very vivid dreams recently and I was wondering what some underlying factors could be. At first, I thought it was the stress from the past couple weeks. I have been interviewing for jobs and planning a big move, but I noticed a more subtle factor: I was sleeping a great deal more on my left side. Now, that may not seem…

Powering Down
Apparently, Maine was on the naughty list. Last night we received a late Christmas gift of over a foot-and-a-half of snow, and as a kicker, we lost power sometime during the night and it just recently came back on. On the bright side, I got an opportunity to play around with my new camera and make use of the vicious…

Nothing is Original
Throughout this blogging challenge I’ve been concerned about posting on the same theme multiple times. I’ve been told that I only seem to post about my challenges and how I plan to overcome them. Am I writing the same thing over and over? Perhaps, but this quote from Austin Kleon, in Steal Like an Artist, gives me a different perspective: “What a good artist understands…

Okay, Now Panic
Sometimes it takes a crisis to get me moving, but when I do, I deliver. With the 2017 Snow Ball just two weeks away, I got an email from my CFO telling me that the DJ we had lined up wasn’t responding to our emails and we had to drop him. I was stuck with a paid-for venue and no DJ or lighting equipment. This wasn’t a…

I’m Not a Boy Scout
I’m not interested in earning my fire safety badge and I don’t always come prepared. Sometimes I take too much for granted and I have to scramble to get things done. While the end result may differ from my goal at the outset, I usually come out with something better than I had originally planned. Last night was an example of that.…

New Adventure
Today I received the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark-II digital camera from my awesome parents. Along with the camera, I also got two lenses, the Olympus M. Zuiko ED 40-150 mm digital lens, and the Panasonic Lumix G 20mm digital lens. I’ve always liked to be in front of the camera and now I’ll get to see the other side of the picture.…

Only One More Sleep
The snow is coming down and it feels like Christmas is here. The tree is lit, presents are wrapped, and it’s time for everything to slow down once more. You can call me a grinch if you want to, but I’m usually not a fan of this time of year for a couple reasons. #1. When the snow comes down golf…

Stepping Out
When I was 13 I read Mike Lupica’s Summer Ball cover to cover in less than four hours, and then I read it again. This is something that has been a trend in my life. When I find something enjoyable I fully immerse myself in it and ignore everything else around me. I’ll reread books because it’s safe. Every time I pick up a book I’ve read…