Stay patient. Calm. Ready for your chance. The biggest take-a-way I had from my 3-under par win at the J.W. Parks weekend tournament is staying focused to have your bad holes result in pars… not bogeys or doubles with a silly missed putt, or unfocused stroke. Here’s what I mean: Managing your disappointment—paring a short par-4 (like #6) can feel…
Category: Personal Growth

Trains of Thought
You’re young, excited, and ready to provide your value to customers. Your train of thought is traveling at 1000 MPH and you can talk even faster. You know the answer to every question and objection before your customer is finished speaking. You’re also eager to show them you know it. Do you happen to be from Boston or New York? Yeah,…

3 Keys to Crushing your Quota
Have you been struggling with inattentive prospects, too many meetings, and not crushing your quota? Here are 3 keys I’ve found that make hitting your quota automatic. Listen. Don’t just hear what the prospect is saying, but practice active listening, which requires focus and complete silence when your prospect is speaking. Don’t interrupt by saying, “uh-huh, got it, awesome, understood.” This shows…

East Coast Perspective
Perspective: It comes with time and Mentors I’m competitive, there is no doubt about it. From dirty slide tackles in 1st-grade soccer to competing at the highest levels of amateur golf in New England, and now in the professional world, the competitive fire burns bright. My fault lies in controlling that fire, utilizing it as fuel and not burning the…

Say No to Yourself
Telling yourself no is hard, but worth it. Living in San Francisco, the most expensive city in the US, it’s a necessity. I’ve been using Dave Ramsey’s budgeting tool and made some interesting discoveries over the last two months. I’ve always been frugal, (some would call it cheap) but keeping track of the money I spend has opened my eyes.…

Show up. Keep up. Shut up.
A caddy receives that bare bones instruction before his first loop and I’ve seen the principle of that statement applied by those around me, with sayings like: “Do the bare minimum.” “Strive for mediocrity.” “Thank god it’s Friday…Oh god, it’s Monday.” You can hear those phrases in high school classrooms, sports fields, and office buildings around the world. It’s a…

Welcome to San Francisco
The day started out with a beautiful sunrise and only got better from there.

Sleep On Your Left Side
I’ve had very vivid dreams recently and I was wondering what some underlying factors could be. At first, I thought it was the stress from the past couple weeks. I have been interviewing for jobs and planning a big move, but I noticed a more subtle factor: I was sleeping a great deal more on my left side. Now, that may not seem…

Nothing is Original
Throughout this blogging challenge I’ve been concerned about posting on the same theme multiple times. I’ve been told that I only seem to post about my challenges and how I plan to overcome them. Am I writing the same thing over and over? Perhaps, but this quote from Austin Kleon, in Steal Like an Artist, gives me a different perspective: “What a good artist understands…

Okay, Now Panic
Sometimes it takes a crisis to get me moving, but when I do, I deliver. With the 2017 Snow Ball just two weeks away, I got an email from my CFO telling me that the DJ we had lined up wasn’t responding to our emails and we had to drop him. I was stuck with a paid-for venue and no DJ or lighting equipment. This wasn’t a…